Tags! Crowdsourcing!
We'll be crowdsourcing content that comes out of this unconference. Our Twitter hashtag is #tcic2012.
Photos and videos uploaded to Flickr and YouTube can use this tag to make it easier for us to find your contributions as we curate the content we produce here. For Flickr and YouTube, you can also use tags like "THATCamp Iowa City," "THATCamp," and "Iowa City," along with whatever tags you wish to label your work with. Thank you for helping us document our THATCamp!
Get in Touch
THATCamp Iowa City is being organized by University of Iowa graduate students and HASTAC Scholars Melody Dworak and Katherine F. Montgomery. Questions/comments can be emailed to THATCampIC (at) gmail (dot) com or tweeted to @THATCampIC.
Corey Harper
- Metadata Services Librarian
- New York University
- Twitter: chrpr
I've been the Metadata Services Librarian at NYU since early 2007. Much of that time has been spent on an ILS migration, and on the implementation and upkeep of a next-generation Enterprise Search System: Ex Libris' Primo. This experience has further convinced him of the need for more rigorous data modeling and the use of common web protocols to support metadata interoperability. As a result, I've focused my professional work on discussing Semantic Web technologies and Linked Open Data principles with librarians in a variety of venues, and have been actively involved in the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) since 2002.
Prior to coming to NYU, I was nearly-a-cataloger-but-instead-a-Metadata-Librarian, as well as a Digital Library Developer and accidentally a systems librarian at the University of Oregon.