Tags! Crowdsourcing!
We'll be crowdsourcing content that comes out of this unconference. Our Twitter hashtag is #tcic2012.
Photos and videos uploaded to Flickr and YouTube can use this tag to make it easier for us to find your contributions as we curate the content we produce here. For Flickr and YouTube, you can also use tags like "THATCamp Iowa City," "THATCamp," and "Iowa City," along with whatever tags you wish to label your work with. Thank you for helping us document our THATCamp!
Get in Touch
THATCamp Iowa City is being organized by University of Iowa graduate students and HASTAC Scholars Melody Dworak and Katherine F. Montgomery. Questions/comments can be emailed to THATCampIC (at) gmail (dot) com or tweeted to @THATCampIC.
Jen Eilers
- Graduate Student
- Twitter: bookshapedheart
Before enrolling in graduate school I worked in a marketing department where I had the opportunity not only to help manage our social networking sites and website but was also able to build and implement a few databases. Technology is changing rapidly and its effects and effectiveness are not completely understood. At our non-profit we really thought hard about how we were using technology: what is technology doing for us? what isn't technology doing for us? what should it be doing for us? what shouldn't it be doing? I also volunteered in the Community Technology Center at Denver Public Library and was introduced to some very innovative programs the library was using to engage and educate their community. My hopes after library school would be to become a public librarian that is helping her community adjust and embrace the new technologies out there. My hope is to broaden the role the library plays in its community underlining its need and value. Like Carr, I'm hesitant to believe everything about technology is great and realize our brains are changing as a result of its implementation. I'm not sure this is wholly terrible but it is something that needs to be considered with both enthusiasm and caution.